PlantSight SPPID Bridge Help

Properties Mapping

The properties mapping sheet lists the properties from the OpenPlant functional schema. The matching property from SmartPlant PID is filled into column D. If the schema is extended, the additional properties can be added to this sheet.

One SmartPlant property can be mapped to multiple OpenPlant properties by separating them with a semi colon <;>.

A heuristic description for finding a proper SmartPlant PID property name is described further here:

Example: Some SmartPlant PID EQUIPMENT components have a property VendorString not displayed in the resulting iModel properties. An OpenPlant property name can be chosen to display this information, such as "Manufacturer".

SmartPlant PID original property names can be taken from the published .ZIP file.

Unpack the published archive and in Drawing.xml, find the exact name of the property by the component SP_ID.

Note: OpenPlant properties of "double" type - only double SmartPlant PID values in SI units can be used (double SmartPlant PID values are always stored as a property, named with prefix ‘SP_’ and suffix ‘SI’, and as a string value). String type of OpenPlant value fits string SmartPlant PID property value.

Add the "VendorString" value to the SmartPlant PID property name, corresponding to the OPPID property "Manufacturer".

Information: Why would a property of a VESSEL be defined in DEVICE properties? That is due to OpenPlant ECClass inheritance hierarchy. In OpenPlant logic, the class incorporates properties of all its base classes. The base OpenPlant class is displayed in the second column of the PropertiesMapping sheet. For instance: Vessel aggregates properties of VESSEL; CONTAINER; EQUIPMENT; DEVICE; NAMED_ITEM; PLANT_BASE_OBJECT classes.

After saving the changes, re-Creating XML and running export - the new property is displayed.

Example for INSTRUMENTs. Some INSTRUMENTs have properties that are not displayed in the resulting conversion.

Find the values of these properties by SP_ID objects in the Drawing.xml file (from published *.zip)

Add the SmartPlant PID property names to the mapping, create the XML, and run the conversion.

These SmartPlant PID properties are shown in the iModel Property palette.

The original SmartPlant PID property names can be taken either from Drawing.xml, or from the "FullSPPIDproperties" Excel sheet which is hidden by default. The FullSPPIDproperties sheet contains all possible properties with display names from the SmartPlant PID resources.